Feature Requests
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Because it is easier
Tom DeBello#Processes0
Create a guide on upgrading and downgrading tiers
Create a guide to show us how to upgrade or downgrade tiers :)
Write a KB on recommended practices around Cron for WordPress
Write a KB on recommended practices around Cron for WordPress
Add articles to the KB around adding SSL to a site
I would like a guide written for SSL.
Add Object Caching
Object Caching is becoming more necessary, and I know you'd like to see it just as much as we would :)
Bobby Broughton#Features2
Create failover system
Sync on interval sites to another region for failover using a third party failover check (CF, DNSME, etc).
Tom DeBello#Features0
End User Support Policy
Tell us exactly what's included in End User Support, and how to get it set up.
Kylie W#Processes#Policies#Onboarding2
Write a guide on how to point DNS
I'd like a guide on how to best point DNS records.
Put a temporary page while deploying template using EasyWaaS
As a template site is deploying, it would be nice to see a coming soon message instead of an error.
Bobby Broughton#Improvements0
Consider WSForm for the toolbox
Yup - another form plugin Take a look at the website, it looks pretty slick and feature-full, it looks intuitive and certainly a contender to the throne. I’ve used a few form tools, Gravity just needs so many extra plugins unless you are after a basic form. In which case most of the site builders have forms you can use and you save a plugin or three. wsform.com if you want a look. The website is nice too!
Marc C#Features1
How to Perform a Site Migration
Develop a few ways to do site migration, including using ManageWP, MainWP, and popular plugins.
Kylie W#Documentation1
Spin Up a New WP Site with Standard Set of Plugins
Minimise the time spent creating a new WordPress site by auto-installing WP and maybe cloning a site that already has all your favourite (and up to date!) plugins and themes, or install a package of themes/plugins (but these may not be up to date).
Kylie W#Features#Improvements#Processes2
Add PHP 8.1
PHP 8.1 is getting close to ready, add to production when out of beta :)
Bobby Broughton#Features#Improvements1
Add PHP Extensions by default.
Add these extensions fileinfo, mbstring, imagick to PHP 7.4, 8.0, and 8.1
Bobby Broughton#Features#Improvements0
Add central US hosting region
A US Central location would be good for both US East and West.
Bobby Broughton#Improvements0